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Contract Positions

What is a ContractPosition?

A ContractPosition object represents a position that is not represented by a token standard. It is often these positions that are more difficult to track by simple wallet applications, and this is especially where Zapper shines at decoding these positions from blockchain data. These positions may be used to represent:

  • Farming positions in SushiSwap Master Chef staking contracts
  • Bonds in Olympus or other apps that aim to own their liquidity
  • Leveraged positions like Abracadabra cauldrons or Alchemix alchemists
  • Lending positions in Compound (Note: Supply positions are represented by tokens!)

As a rule of thumb, you can identify ContractPosition as one you can not add to your Metamask wallet because they are not tokenized! For example, once you deposit a token into a SushiSwap Master Chef farm, your wallet will likely not be able to display this position.

What is a ContractPositionFetcher?

In the Zapper API, a ContractPositionFetcher class dynamically lists a single group of contract positions. Groups of contract positions share common properties, such as APYs for SushiSwap farms, or collateralization limits for Alchemix alchemists. As such, we declare unique strategy classes for each contract position group that we want to index in Zapper.

What are the properties of a contract position?

The following table describes the properties on the ContractPosition object. You'll see there is quite a bit of overlap with an AppToken, except a ContractPosition lacks the ERC20 properties, and cannot be priced because its non-fungible.

typeContractType.POSITIONUsed to discriminate types, do not change.
address'0xa39739ef8b0231dbfa0dcda07d7e29faabcf4bb2'Address of the contract. Use the address that a user interacts with to enter this position.
networkNetwork.ETHEREUMNetwork of the contract.
keySee below.A unique key that represents this contract position, used for aggregation purposes in Zapper.
appId'liquity'The contract position belongs to this app
groupId'trove'The contract position belongs to this app group
tokens[supplied(ethToken), borrowed(lusdToken)]The underlying token(s). For example, in a Liquity trove, the user deposits ETH as collateral to mint LUSD.
dataPropsSee below.Additional data props that might be useful to be passed in other areas of the application.
displayPropsSee below.Properties used by Zapper Web and Zapper Mobile to render meaningful information to Zapper users.

What are data props?

The dataProps field on a ContractPosition object is used for augmenting the contract position object with additional data properties. These properties can be used in other places in the application.

Example: In Maker, a user can open a vault by depositing collateral like ETH or WBTC. The user can then mint DAI up to some collateralization ratio. This collateralization ratio can be added to the ContractPosition dataProps.

What are display props?

The displayProps field on an ContractPosition object is used by Zapper Web and Zapper Mobile to render meaningful information to Zapper users about this contract position.

Contract Position Display Props and Tokens

NOTE: We do intend to support the secondaryLabel, tertiaryLabel, and statsItems props eventually, but for now, we only show the label field on Zapper Web and Zapper Mobile.

labelWBTC / ETH (14.28 to 19.98)The primary label for this contract position. In the Uniswap V3 example, its useful to show the underlying tokens and the liquidity concentration range.


What address should I use for a ContractPosition?

The address field should be the address of the contract that a user can use to enter the position. Zapper API can cross-reference a user's transactions to these addresses to determine if a user has ever interacted with this app.

Example 1: In SushiSwap, the pool tokens are deposited into a farm contract called MasterChefV2, but bonus rewards are claimable from separate Rewarder contracts. Since the user deposits funds by interacting with the MasterChefV2 contract, you'll use this address in the address field. It may be useful to add the Rewarder address to the contract position's dataProps field.

Example 2: In Yield Protocol, a vault is opened by interacting with the Ladle contract, but funds are stored in the Cauldron contract. It may be tempting to use the Cauldron address in this case, but use the Ladle address since this is the entrypoint of user's funds into the protocol.

What is key? Why is it useful?

Similarly to the key property AppToken, the key is a unique identifier on the position object that is used to aggregate contract position balances across multiple addresses.

Usually, you can ignore setting the key and Zapper API will set the default as md5(<address>:<network>:<app_id>:<tokens_keys>), where tokens_keys is itself <app_id>:<network>:<address>:<metatype> for each token in the contract position's tokens array.

In some circumstances, this is not a unique identifier, in which case, you can add additional information via the positionKey data prop, which will then be used to generate the key via md5(<address>:<network>:<app_id>:<tokens_keys>:<position_key>).

Example 1: In FloorDAO, a user can sell fractional NFT tokens to the protocol treasury in return for a FLOOR token bond, which vests over a period of time. The bonds are all on the same address, and have the same underlying tokens: vesting and claimable FLOOR. As a result, these positions all have colliding key values.

We can observe that each bond has a marketIndex, and as such, we can return positionKey: marketIndex in our data props, to produce a key as md5(<app_id>:<network>:<address>:<market_index>), generating different keys for each of these positions and avoiding collisions.